5 Questions to Ask While Prepping For A New Year
We all deserve a platinum plaque for getting through December.
Still whenever this time rolls around I can’t help but look ahead to see what new ambitions I can inject into the future.
Here are 5 questions I’m asking myself while prepping for the new year:
Where am I right now? What lies in front of me that I can appreciate in the moment? What does that say about how far I’ve come and what I’m capable of?
Who am I right now? How has my identity emerged from the psychological pinball machine that is 2020? Which of my personality traits or character flaws have grown? Which have actively diminished or fallen away?
Where do I want to go? Beyond a routine checklist of goals and resolutions, what’s the theme of my next year going to be? What’s the message or mantra I want to embody? And who will be willing /able to join me on the journey?
Who do I need to be? The next chapter of my life might require a different version of me than the one that exists today. What does that person look like? How do they move? And what are they willing to leave behind?
What is the most important thing? There will always be more on my plate than I can take in one sitting. But if I had to choose only one goal to focus on, what would it be?
I’m taking my time to be honest with the answers and turn them into action.
Which one of these questions challenges you the most?